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Something CHIC has arrived on the net!

I am very excited to be launching my website,!
Fashion has long been a passion of mine. At the age of three, when asked by my Montessori teacher about my summer plans, I responded, “This summer I am going to wear a shirt without sleeves.” A few years later, when all of my female classmates signed up for Brownies, I, not bearing to don the brown-and-orange pinafore that was the required Brownie uniform, signed up for ballet instead, much preferring the cornflower-blue leotard and pink tights. (A great example of what I tell kids during summer Fashion Camp – being stylish is not about looking like everyone else, but about being authentically YOU).

Always seeming to be the go-to girl for friends with burning questions such as “What color hosiery should I wear with this?” and “Do I have to wear a tie to that?”, in the year 2000 I made doling out fashion advice a full-time endeavor, and chicmadesimple was born. What I offer is a fresh approach to traditional fashion consulting that caters to, among others, what I believe to be an underserved group: style conscious yet budget-savvy and time-constrained individuals. Although they realize the importance of a look that reflects their lifestyle and individuality and thus bolsters confidence, these individuals most likely don’t seek assistance in the process of putting it all together, concerned that it would be cost-prohibitive or tedious. Because I believe our outward appearance is a palette on which we paint our individuality, I feel we owe it to ourselves to develop a personal style that makes sense for the way we live, and most important, makes us feel good - not because it is en vogue.

I consider myself a seer of sorts – a “style swami” if you will – helping individuals discover and then demonstrate their own personal style. For those clients who tell me, “I have no style” - balderdash! Everyone has a sense of what they like and don’t like – some are attracted to cool colors, some to warm…some like to dress up, some prefer a more casual mode of dress – putting this all together equals personal style. My goal is to help clients decipher these style preferences and to educate them on key style principles and elements so that they can make better decisions regarding that age old question, “What to wear?”

And what about trends? They exist, for certain, and rest assured I make myself aware of them every season via hours of Style TV and pouring through the glossy magazines that serve as a style swami’s trend tarot cards. But at the same time I appreciate the philosophy of one of fashion’s greats, the late Gianni Versace, who said, “Don’t be too into trends. Don’t make fashion own you, but you decide who you are and what you want to express by the way you dress and the way you live.” So while I may inform you of the season’s “it” color, that doesn’t mean you have to wear whatever "it" is. Again, it is all about finding and embracing your personal style – some lean toward trendy, others classic. Either way, you want to look fashionable and put-together, not like you hit every sale rack this season.

Thank you for your interest in chicmadesimple. I invite you to peruse my services and consider what your style aspirations might be. I would love to hear about your style needs and hope that my “passion for fashion” can help you incorporate a little chic into all areas of your life!
Tracy Robinson
Fashion Consultant & Stylist