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Ask Tracy

Dear Tracy,
What's the deal with peep-toe and patent shoes? I always thought they were for Spring/Summer, but I am seeing them for this Fall. How do I wear them and make them look appropriate for colder weather?

Dear F.G.,
You are right - peep-toe and patent shoes abound in this Fall's shoe collections! Mary Janes, ballet flats and pumps with chunkier heels are also popular styles. (Check out the pictured Valentinos that encompass 3 trends in 1 shoe!) Wear all with stockings or, even better, opaque tights (I love Hue's variety and quality). Just make sure that when wearing peep-toes you choose sandalfoot tights, so that there is no visible seam at the toe (or just tuck the seam under your foot). The truly fashion forward can choose trendy footless tights while the weather permits.

Stylishly yours,