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Ready those winter knits for hibernation

As Spring approaches, it's time to think about storing those winter knits.  Here are some tips:
1) Make sure they are clean before storing! Even if a garment looks spotless, invisible spots of food, perspiration, etc., can cause discoloration and - worse - attract moths!
2) You CAN hand wash your knits (even cashmere and merino wool), and in fact, it is preferable to dry cleaning. If you have a big sink, go for it, if you prefer to use your washing machine on Ultra Delicate cycle, just MAKE SURE you remove before any sort of spin cycle!
3) Skip the Woolite and use a Shampoo/Conditioner 2-in-1 combo
4) Do not twist or wring. To dry, GENTLY squeeze excess water, then roll up in a towel, pressing with your hands.
5) Reshape and lay flat to dry.