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Sorority Girls: No Frumpy or Gross Plastic Shizz

While this excellent blog post from was shared with me almost a year ago, having just finished assisting a client prepare her wardrobe for sorority rush at the University of Virginia, the memorable blog has been on my mind, and I feel it worth re-sharing. The blogger was fortunate to come across 6 pages of dress code requirements for Cornell's Pi Phi Chapter, with such Elle Woods of Legally Blonde-worthy lines as "Booties ok if you can pull them off, aka probably not." The entire dress code, attached at the end of the blog, is worth reading. And as my client visits her top 3 sororities on this very eve for "Pref Night," I am rewarded by the fact that feels confident in her non-satin dress and sans plastic shizz jewelry. Enjoy: Sorority Dress Code