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Childhood Braid Lives Again

I am happy to report that my mother freakishly holding onto said braid for 20+ years (stored in a shoebox labeled, "Tracy's hair"), has proved worthwhile. This week the braid was donated to Locks of Love, an organization that makes hairpieces for financially disadvantaged children suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. We had previously questioned whether the hair was usable due to its age, but Locks of Love said that because it has remained in a braid for this long, it is perfectly fine. The minimum required length is 10 inches, and my braid is over 17 inches!
Being able to make this contribution not only means a lot to me, due to my father's hair loss during his battle with cancer, but also to my husband, whose sister never re-grew her hair after she lost it due to radiation treatment in the 5th grade. I hope my braid will be used to give a child the self-confidence she or he needs to fight their disease.