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A New Season of Project Runway!

The 4th season of the Emmy-nominated competition reality series Project Runway premieres on BRAVO, Wednesday, November 14 at 9PM CST. Featuring supermodel Heidi Klum as host and a panel of industry luminaries, including fashion designer Michael Kors and Elle magazine fashion director Nina Garcia, the addicting show follows hopeful fashion designers (some already amateurs, some wannabes) through weekly design challenges that has included making a party dress entirely from grocery-store items (the corn husk frock was gorgeous!).

Tim Gunn, Parson's School of Design instructor turned Chief Creative Officer for Liz Claiborne, Inc. (in part thanks to the show's success and his charming personality) leads us through the behind-the-scenes, acting as a liaison for the designers. In what Bravo promises will be the "most exciting season yet," some of the biggest names in fashion, sports and design will guest star this season.
The 15 contestants will be whittled down to the finalists who will receive the ultimate honor of showing their own line in front of an audience of fashion industry movers and shakers at New York Fashion Week. Other prizes for the winner include an editorial feature in ELLE magazine, $100,000 to start their own line, the opportunity to sell a fashion line on and a 2008 Saturn Astra.

Tune in to be wowed by the contestant's creativity and entertained by their diverse personalities.